Southern Ontario At Risk Reptiles (SOARR) is a grassroots program that has grown to international importance, setting the bar for research and recovery of reptiles in Canada.
For nearly 30 years, this program has been a safeguard to prevent local extinctions of at-risk wildlife, and has helped species at risk across their ranges.
Funding needs be secured to carry out this important work.
Partner with SOARR to save local species at risk, and take important steps toward the long-term survival of populations provincially, nationally, and internationally.

"Until we can ensure sustainable populations, we'll continue to do the work that needs to be done," says Species at Risk Biologist, Scott Gillingwater.
"We're at a crossroads, though—the next 10 years are critical for the species but we're facing government funding that is unpredictable or not available at all."
Your generous support will:
prevent extinctions by saving turtle eggs and releasing hatchlings into local rivers,
create homes for endangered reptiles by building and conserving local habitat,
ensure long-term research and monitoring of local species at risk,
provide educational opportunities for community members,
empower local residents to become stewards of the land they own or use, and
build capacity within the community by creating jobs and volunteer opportunities.
Did you know?
Research has shown that close to 100% of unprotected turtle nests along the Thames River and other local rivers never hatch, due to human impacts, flooding, and predators.
"SOARR is making a difference for Southern Ontario's at-risk reptiles and helping many declining populations pull back from the brink," says Scott.

Scott Gillingwater
Species at Risk Biologist, UTRCA
Scott has been with the SOARR program since its inception in 1994. He has built this program into what it is today, and is known Canada-wide for his innovative approaches to wildlife research and recovery.
Scott is, or has been, a member of multiple reptile and ecosystem-based recovery teams, the Committee On the Status of Endangered Wildlife In Canada (COSEWIC) Amphibians and Reptiles Specialist Subcommittee, the Committee On the Status of Species At Risk in Ontario (COSSARO), and the IUCN Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group.
Your Gifts at Work: