Improve water quality and reduce flooding by
planting a beautiful garden!

Rain gardens are part of the UTRCA's Stormwater Low Impact Development program which seeks to:
improve water quality in the watershed, and
delay stormwater runoff (rain and melted snow) from entering the Thames River.
The deep soils of rain gardens absorb runoff and filter nutrients from the water. This improves the quality and reduces the amount of water entering storm drains and, eventually, our waterways.
Your generous gift today will help:
purchase soil, rock, mulch, and other garden materials,
provide native plants and seeds,
design and dig rain gardens, and
involve students and community members with preparing and planting the rain gardens.
"As much of our urban landscape is covered in concrete and asphalt, incorporating green infrastructure such as rain gardens that allow stormwater runoff to infiltrate into the ground is essential," said Vanni Azzano, Community Education Supervisor.
"Not only do they capture water, but the plants in the garden filter out pollutants, attract pollinators, and provide habitat for wildlife. By supporting rain garden projects, your environmental impact reaches far and wide."
Your Gifts at Work: